Websites that you use frequently (like the school site, teacher webpages, and online textbooks) can be bookmarked for easy access. Bookmark a site while you're logged in on a ChromeBook and your bookmarks sync through your Google account and follow you wherever you are logged in. To bookmark a site, simply click the hollow 'star' icon at the very right edge of the URL bar. In the popup box, edit the title of the site if you wish and choose a folder for the bookmark. The bookmark bar is a good one if you only have a few bookmarks.
To make the bookmarks bar show in Chrome, click the settings button, hover the mouse over 'Bookmarks' and click 'Show Bookmarks Bar'. Click the bookmark manager to arrange your bookmarks into folders. To ensure that it always appears, click the settings button, then click 'Settings'. Under 'Appearance' check the box to 'Always Show Bookmarks Bar'.
To make the bookmarks bar show in Chrome, click the settings button, hover the mouse over 'Bookmarks' and click 'Show Bookmarks Bar'. Click the bookmark manager to arrange your bookmarks into folders. To ensure that it always appears, click the settings button, then click 'Settings'. Under 'Appearance' check the box to 'Always Show Bookmarks Bar'.