Students in Mr. Bajoros' or Ms. Bertz's Health classes who are having trouble exporting their autobiography videos from iMovie should check the text and title animations in their projects. Some of the text styles seem to cause iMovie to 'quit unexpectedly' during export. The troublesome text styles are the fancier ones, particularly 'Organic Main' and 'Lens Flare'. If you have these styles in your project and are also seeing the 'iMovie Quit Unexpectedly' error message when you try to export, delete these animations from your project and replace them with the simpler ones. Contact Mr. Kurtz if you have trouble.
Remember the process for exporting:
1. Click 'Share-->Export Using Quicktime'
2. Set the filename: "Block_Your Last Name_Autobio"
3. Change 'Where' to 'Desktop'.
4. Export: "Movie to Quicktime Movie"
5. Settings: "Default Settings"
Click 'Save'.
Remember the process for exporting:
1. Click 'Share-->Export Using Quicktime'
2. Set the filename: "Block_Your Last Name_Autobio"
3. Change 'Where' to 'Desktop'.
4. Export: "Movie to Quicktime Movie"
5. Settings: "Default Settings"
Click 'Save'.